Nominations are now being taken for deserved individuals to attend one of the annual Royal Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace, which this year take place on 8th and 21st May. Nominations will need to be in for this year by the end of February but are open throughout the year for upcoming parties in 2025.

Nominees must not have attended a garden party before and must be over the age of 18 and would be invited to take one guest to accompany them.

This is the time to capture the County’s unsung heroes and we have at least 10 spaces available for this year and all nominations would need to be submitted by the end of the month.

Nominations need to consist of the contact details of the person (Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email) and a short paragraph giving the reason for the nomination. 

you can download and email back the completed form below to Rachel Wallis, Civic & Lord-Lieutenant’s Officer on

To nominate a worthy individual, email Rachel Wallis, Civic & Lord-Lieutenant’s Officer on

Nominations Needed to attend Royal Garden Parties