HWLincs is pleased to announce it has been recommissioned to deliver the Healthwatch Lincolnshire service for an additional five and a half years.  

Over the past 10 years that they’ve delivered Healthwatch Lincolnshire, they have developed solid relationships with stakeholders, healthcare providers, commissioners, and local authorities, ensuring that they offer valuable insights and constructive feedback to shape and improve the offer for the residents of Lincolnshire. Being once again selected for the contract positions them to continue supporting collaborative working across the health and social care landscape, capturing and representing the voices of Lincolnshire communities. 

Your say at the next Healthwatch event

Healthwatch Lincolnshire hosts regular public events for people to learn about the work of Healthwatch Lincolnshire and its partners and provide feedback that will help to shape its future priorities. 

The next event, YourVoice@Healthwatch, takes place on Wednesday, October 23rd, 10am-1pm at Jakeman’s Community Stadium, Boston. 

The event will have a services marketplace with charities and services in attendance and we will present the Healthwatch Lincolnshire annual report and more. 

Entry is free but spaces must be booked here or call 01205 820 892

Read about recent YourVoice@Healthwatch events here and here.

HWLincs Secures Healthwatch Lincolnshire Contract Until 2030