Following the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak we recognise that it is more important than ever that we are able to continue to support the individuals in our communities, and their safety and wellbeing continues to be our main priority.

Following government guidance issued on 16/03/20, we have decided to suspend all face to face appointments and move to a remote/telephone service for the coming weeks.

This service will include:
• Weekly check-in telephone calls for social prescribing clients.
• Promotion of national and local initiatives that are there to help people during this time and how volunteers can become involved
• Support for local groups and organisations to facilitate local community support
• Promotion of and signposting to relevant telephone and online support services available.

Also note that we will still continue to receive referrals into our services and offer support via our telephone and email services. There are a small number of telephone volunteering appointments available through our online booking system which will be hosted by one of the team, should you wish to find out more about getting involved with your community.