Voluntary Centre Services is running free informal online sessions aimed at the Ukrainian community on Modnay 5th and Monday 12th June. These are a great introduction to volunteering in the UK, especially if you’re unsure about what you might be able to do and where to start. As well as finding out about the many ways in which you can volunteer in the UK, you will learn about how you can benefit others and what’s in it for you. There will also be opportunity to ask questions and maybe even have a go at some micro-volunteering.
The session will be delivered in English, but co-hosted by a Ukrainian facilitator and you can indicate your language support needs on the booking form.
Bezkoshtovni neformalʹni onlayn-sesiyi dlya ukrayinsʹkoyi hromady v ponedilok 5 ta ponedilok 12 chervnya. Tse chudovyy vstup do volontersʹkoyi diyalʹnosti u Velykiy Brytaniyi, osoblyvo yakshcho vy ne vpevneni, shcho mozhete zrobyty ta z choho pochaty. Okrim toho, shcho vy diznayetesʹ pro chyslenni sposoby, yakymy vy mozhete buty volonterom u Velykobrytaniyi, vy diznayetesʹ pro te, yak vy mozhete prynesty korystʹ inshym i shcho tse dlya vas. Takozh bude mozhlyvistʹ postavyty zapytannya ta, mozhlyvo, navitʹ vzyaty uchastʹ u mikrovolonterstvi.
Sesiya provodytymetʹsya anhliysʹkoyu movoyu, ale yiyi spilʹno provodytʹ ukrayinsʹkyy fasylitator, i vy mozhete vkazaty svoyi potreby v movniy pidtrymtsi u formi bronyuvannya.