LocalMotion Lincoln and the Lincoln Climate Commission teamed up to create Climate Hope Lincoln. This initiative has the vision to encourage local action to address the environmental challenges we face today on a local, national and global level. To do this, they’d like to know more about you and the work you are doing to address these issues.  

Together, we have created a survey where you can share with us what you and/or your organisation are doing to support the local and or national environment, your thoughts on local climate action and how you think communities could be better engaged with this important topic. 

This survey is open to everyone that has an idea, project or initiative addressing any environmental issues. Your answers will help us understand what is currently happening in Lincoln, identify any gaps and recommend steps for action. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. 

The link to this survey is as follows: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/ClimateHope/ 

Local Motion Lincoln & Lincoln Climate Commission Survey