Did you know that you can volunteer for just a few minutes, any time of the day or night & even do it in your pyjamas!

Take a look below at some of the microvolunteering opportunities you can do right now!!!

TitleWhat is it? How can I access it?
Big Garden BirdwatchCounting birds in your garden!rspb.org.uk/get-involved
BioBlitz wildlife surveysHelp wildlife experts carry out a real scientific survey known as a BioBlitz.nhm.ac.uk/take-part/citizen-science/bioblitz.html
Grow wildflowers Benefit pollinators, in pots or in the ground! You can even find wildflower seeds for free.growwild.kew.org/get-involved/seed-kits/apply
Join Dementia ResearchSign up to the Join Dementia Research website and take part in vital research around Dementia. https://www.joindementiaresearch.nihr.ac.uk/
Make toys for hearing dog puppiesMake ragger toys and snuffle mats for puppies that are training to be hearing dogs.hearingdogs.org.uk/volunteering/microvolunteering
People Powered ResearchTake part in real research online across the sciences, humanities and more!zooniverse.org
PetitionsAdd your name and share a petition of a cause you believe in.change.org
Pick up litterPick up litter from your community to benefit wildlife and your neighbours!You just need safety gloves and a bin bag!
Post PalsSend post to poorly children.postpals.co.uk/getting-involved
Share posts on social mediaRaise awareness to local causes, for instance Missing People.missingpeople.org.uk/support-missing-people
The Free Rice GamePlay a fun quiz, every correct answer donates 10 grains of rice for the UN World Food Programme.freerice.com
Use a tree-planting internet browserEvery search allows Ecosia to plant more trees around the world and protect biodiversity!ecosia.org
Walrus from SpaceCount walruses in satellite images to help understand how climate change is affecting walrus populations. wwf.org.uk/learn/walrus-from-space
MS-UK Knitting ChallengeKnit or crochet Christmas stockings and ‘sell’ them to anyone you know to raise money for MS UK.MS Knitting Challenge