Our Service for Volunteer-Involving Organisations
Voluntary Centre Services run accredited Volunteer Centres in Sleaford, Lincoln and Gainsborough and are a one-stop shop for volunteer recruitment, as well as offering a range of good practice resources, training and expertise to help you manage and retain your volunteers. Our three centres work with organisations from all sectors to link potential volunteers with opportunities that match their interests and needs.
Your organisation can make use of our free service to advertise opportunities and we can aid you in recruiting new volunteers. Opportunities registered with us can also appear on the list on our I Want to Volunteer webpage, on our new Lincolnshire Volunteering webpage and on the Volunteering in Lincolnshire Facebook group.
What we do and don’t do
We promote your opportunities to potential volunteers face to face, at events and online. It is a free advertising service that enables you to reach a wide range of potential volunteers in a simple way. If someone is interested in your opportunities we will notify you of their contact details and ask you to get in touch with them to take things further.
We do not “vet” potential volunteers on your behalf, so you will need to carry out whatever recruitment and selection processes are appropriate for your work. However we can work with you to help you develop a recruitment process to suit your organisation and the work that volunteers do.
Disclosure & Barring Service
Volunteering opportunities involving work with children, young people or vulnerable adults may require the volunteer to undertake a criminal records check as one of the elements of the selection process. It is the responsibility of the volunteer-involving organisation to undertake these checks in line with appropriate legislation. For more information on our DBS Service, go to our Disclosure and Barring Service page.
Registering a Volunteering Opportunity
You can register your Organisation and Volunteering Opportunities on our brand new dedicated Lincolnshire Volunteering web platform.
Need help registering?
Contact the Volunteer Coordinator Abbi Taylor at abbi@voluntarycentreservices.org.uk
Take a look at this quick start guides to help you register your organisation and opportunities onto the new volunteering website and how you manage your volunteering applications: