What is Multiply?
Multiply is a national project funded to help people wanting to improve their mathematics skills and to improve their confidence in using these skills in everyday life.
In Lincolnshire, this is funded by Multiply in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council.
Our Multiply Sessions
Our Multiply sessions are about developing the confidence to join in and try new things, to keep going even if it’s difficult and to help people achieve their personal goals. We devise sessions to run at your own pace.
Activities are designed to be enjoyable and related to using maths skills in everyday life, with encouragement to have a try and see if these sessions are working for individuals – no pressure.
Individual sessions are available which can help with personal budgeting or specific skills (eg, currency converting, online bookings or maths to help their children with homework). This means people get to choose the skills they want to develop and decide jointly with their tutor, how to achieve their own personal goals.
Groups are relaxed and informal, friendly, welcoming, and inclusive. Examples of group sessions include:

Board games – Local boardgames groups where people can come together regularly to socialise and increase your confidence in your own maths abilities. These sessions are very relaxed with no fixed structure.
Money Management & Budgets – 1-to-1 or group sessions on finding the best deals and how to get the most out of your money.
Digital Maths Tools – Find out how you what tools are out there online to help you manage money and budget. Our partners can provide 1-to-1 or group sessions to talk you through how to use the tools and what may work for you best.
Budgeting for Bids & Treasurer for beginners – This is aimed at local community groups & small charities who may be looking for some additional support with key skills relating to handing their finances and bids.
Rhythm and Beats – Using the power of music to tap into your maths skills and knowledge. These sessions are very interactive using drumming and sheet music to provide you with a safe environment to increase your confidence in your maths skills. A quote from learner – “It was a very good opportunity for all of us to use maths during our drumming session and I found it incredible!”
There are so many more as well, get in touch to ask for our full list of sessions.
Throughout all our group sessions people support each other to develop confidence.
Our sessions are not packed with people to allow for a smaller and more welcoming environment to come and learn while having some fun!
Further information about our courses can be found on the 2aspire website. Just search for VCS!
Community Groups
Are you a community group or club looking for activities for your attendees to take part in? We can run any of our sessions for you free of charge at your venue. If you are interested, please get in touch with us via our details at the bottom of this page.

“The session is very interesting and fun. It has helped us with more ideas and learning. We have a great leader which is a good thing as we can all have a laugh together”.
“Learning in a fun way, because you’re shopping and learning the value of money, managing money…Helps with confidence”.
To find out more about Multiply with us, please call us on:
Telephone: 01529 308450
Email: multiply@voluntarycentreservices.org.uk
Contact us form: https://forms.office.com/e/pZxR8XmPM5
Other Multiply projects in Lincolnshire
Multiply sessions run by other services across Lincolnshire are on the 2Aspire website https://2aspire.org.uk/home/multiply/
We are working with a range of partners to help run online sessions as well as face to face sessions around North Kesteven, West Lindsey, East Lindsey, Lincoln, Boston and South Kesteven.
Our Partners:
Katy Roberts Consultancy Services – Focusing on Money & Budgeting skills
Lincs Digital – Focusing on Digital skills
Seagull – Focusing on using the outdoors to improve skills
SoundLINCS – Focusing on using Music to improve Maths skills
The Network – Focusing on helping young people gain confidence in Maths.