There is a new secure way to refer people into the social prescribing service across Lincolnshire, using a system called Social RX Connect. Click http://lvet.co.uk/social-prescribing/ to complete the simple online referral form.
If you are a making a referral on behalf of someone you work with, click the ‘Professional Referral’ button. There is also a ‘self-referral’ button for people to request the service for themselves.
If you are within a GP Practice, Social RX Connect links directly with your clinical system so talk to your practice manager or PCN manager about how to get this set this up if it isn’t already.
Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team (LVET) CIC hosts the Social RX Connect platform as part of Social Prescribing Lincolnshire – a group of social prescribing service providers that includes Voluntary Centre Services (VCS), Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service (LCVS) and Primary Care Networks that employ social prescribing link workers.
If you have any queries about the new system, please contact hello@lvet.org.